Saturday, September 8, 2012


OOPS- found this draft among the Australia posts... so I thought I would share it. Hope you are having a terrific beginning to your school year!
From Australia- with love -

Many of the sites we are off to see are a bit of a drive, so we are reading. Essie is reading The Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew, Beej loves 39 Clues series, The Tall One is reading The Universe Next door (to research for his collaborative blog, ( ), The Older is reading Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis and Principles of Finance (for an upcoming test).

And we are reading aloud … the Andrew Peterson series including :On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, North or Be Eaten, and Monster’s in the Hollows. It is a whimsical, fun series recommended by my dear, dear friend!! Hi J! If your family does not like magic, intense battles, gross green Fang blood, or scary bad guys (oh and toothy cows and horned hounds are kind of scary to), this may not be the series for you. But if you like drama, good guys winning, strong family bonds and can get past the above mentioned… you will LOVE IT!

Photos from - sorry the blurriness.

Do you read aloud? What did you read this summer?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Andrew Peterson series to! I can't wait for the new book to come out! :)
