Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Beach

The ocean is beautiful and it always reminds me of our creator’s amazing power!

Did you notice the surfers?

It was a bit chilly, but not freezing… the temperate is always reported in Celsius, and we still are working on making the numbers work in our Fahrenheit brains. I believe it was around 55degrees F on this day.

Essie and Beej worked on a sand castle with a moat; sadly there is no photographic record. L But hopefully they will get to make one again soon. Essie also spent most of her time collecting shells. She is definitely a ‘collector’ personality, just like The Oldest. She loved the feel of the waves splashing over her feet.

Beej ‘played’ with another pelican. The pelicans seem to be as curious about people as we are about them. We are keeping our distance though- they are huge!

Beej also loved the tide pools. This is one of his pictures…. He assures me that there is a crab in this pool picture, but I have not been able to find it.

We moved down the coast a bit and it became much rockier. It was beautiful!

We LOVED the beach at Merimbula!!

1 comment:

  1. Were those your tall people surfing? Have they tried body surfing yet? I only want one souvenir....Could you bring the ocean and this beach home with you!?
