Monday, June 25, 2012

Here we go...

Here we go...

Many of our friends and family have asked to join our latest journey- which just happens to take us down under to Australia. It seems like a good time to enter the cyber realm with our adventures.

We began with a car ride to a large city, an overnight hotel stay, juggling a ton of luggage....

and an extensive delay (so extensive we had to take a later flight) at check in before Essie's first airplane ride. She was pretty excited. After a quick bite in the connecting airport, we were on our way to Sydney. It feels a little surreal- we never dreamed the Lord would open doors for our whole family to travel to Australia. But here we are!

We made a quick stop at a little coffee shop. The mochas, hot chocolates, meat pies, quiche and muffins were amazing!(my tall children tell me that foodie pictures are required on blogs so here you go...

We drove down to Merimbula on the Sapphire coast-Not a trip for the faint of heart (total travel time from home... about 38 hours), but the rewards are amazing!! We can't wait to show you more pictures and share more adventures!


  1. Oh so fun! I love the BEE background! I can't wait to read updates here! Thanks for sharing!
    Love to all of you!

  2. The background picture is so beautiful! Looking forward to reading all about your time of rest and exploration :).

    God bless and love from the family!

  3. I, for one, am excited that your e-mail crashed or I wouldn't know about your new blog! The kids & I are excited about reading your adventures "down under". Love how you're all wearing coats...I suppose you know the temp here yesterday was 107 degrees?!

    Have fun and safe adventures!!
