Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Relaxing Adventure

Our Traveler Extraordinaire (aka Dad) spent many hours searching and researching as he looked for the perfect place for us to ‘land’.  He found the most wonderful resort… with breathtaking views, amazingly friendly and helpful staff and very comfy sleeping arrangements.  We were ready for a long rest!

We had a deck off the back of our bungalow, and from there we saw beautiful sunrises like this one:

And sunshiney afternoon views like this:

And glorious evening oceans scenes like this:

I wish you were here to hear the sounds of the waves and gulls and to feel the stiff ocean breezes blowing in the fresh salt air. There was dolphin that came to play in our ‘backyard’ each morning. We tried to get pictures of him, but he was too quick. J We heard that in a few months the whales will begin moving up the coast and you can just step out on the deck and see them. What an amazing country this is!

We will show you our adventures ‘in town’ soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, how did I miss this post!? Wish we were there, too! Way to go, Dad! Looks wonderful!
