Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Heading North

The final leg of our journey took us North up the coast. It was a long drive, so we stayed at another Holiday Park on the way.  This would be our third Holiday Park, the other two were beautiful and large and comfortable…. Here is our unit.  Yes, if you look carefully, you will notice that the van is very close to the same size.... 

They did have a fun little 'clog barn'.....

On the way to Surfer's Paradise, we saw lots of beautiful scenery, a lone surfer...

banana plantations...

And even Elvis! Evidently Elvis IS alive.. and is living in Australia! We met a young lady at an Animal sanctuary, who will be travelling across America for about 6 weeks with some friends. We asked what they were going to see and although the land in San Franciso and end in New York, the only thing she was sure of is that they were going to Graceland!

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