Friday, August 10, 2012

The Three Sisters

Warning: The word amazing is used many times in this post, and it is very 'photo heavy'.

There are all kinds of amazing, incredible rock formations in Australia! See The 12 Apostles post… but today we spent the day with The Three Sisters. There is always at least one aboriginal legend that goes with the amazing rock formations, and these formations have multiple versions. I will share the most popular one.
There were three beautiful sisters, daughters of a great tribal leader. They fell in love with three brothers from a neighboring tribe and were, of course, forbidden to marry them. War broke out and to protect the daughters, the witchdoctor turned them into stone, planning to undo his spell as soon as the battle was over. However, he was killed during battle and the three sisters remained as a stone reminder of this battle forever.

This is a really beautiful rock formation in and incredible valley of the blue mountain range.

The forestry service maintains an amazing stairway of 1000 steps, which leads down to the valley floor (or up from the valley floor, depending on where you start – it is true). Thankfully we went down. Here is the beginning 
From here we went down
And down 
Here we are actually right at the base of the sisters... isn't that view amazing!
 and then YAY!
And down
You get the idea...
When you get to the valley floor, you can then hike 2.5 km to the other side or go back up the stairs.  We planned to hike, but then we saw that there were a few more stairs along the trail, here and there... scattered about—WHAT?? 
Seriously, we had a great time on the trail 
and we saw some really beautiful scenery! 

 Praise BE!!

A look back at the sisters from across the valley:
At the end of the trail there was this scary little train to take you back up to the top (for a fee!) so you can then ride a bus back to your car. OR you can hike all the way back. We took the scary little train up the mountain side and then got on the bus. It is billed as the world's steepest railway- YIKES!
Photo courtesy of

And we want to personally thank Beej for counting all 1573 stairs from the top of the Three Sisters, down the mountain and across the valley and up to the scenic railway. We all appreciated it very much!!

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