Monday, August 6, 2012

Manly Beach

The day after the big boys went to Olympic Park, we headed to Manly beach. And we returned to spend our final day in Australia there because we loved it so much and wanted the Traveler to see it. The first time we went, we rode the Rivercat under the Harbor Bridge to Sydney Wharf. We got to ride the ‘big ferry’ all the way over to Manly. It is a beautiful ride, passing lighthouses, the opening to the harbor, the Opera House and provided an amazing view of the Harbor bridge. 
We joked about the name, saying ‘Manly’ in a very “manly’ voice. The Tall one had the deepest, most 'Manly' voice, but Essie made us laugh the most! And then we got there and saw this…. 

It REALLY was named Manly beach because the aboriginals found there were “of ‘manly’ appearance”- how hilarious is that?

The Older had done some research to find some yummy fish and chips…

Fish Mongers won the poll. We got our lunch ‘take away’ and went to the beach. How about this for a lunch scenario! Isn’t it gorgeous! (Nope, that is not even a question!) 

Then we played on the beach and played Ultimate Frisbee on the beach- FINALLY! FRISBEE!!

It was glorious and beautiful! We walked along beaches, 

Saw this awesome sculpture called The Shell and The Wave.
It is a tribute to the Surf lifesavers of Manly beaches. Having been a lifeguard at POOLS in my younger days, I cannot imagine ‘guarding’ these beaches! The surf is amazing! 

We walked along rocky spots .......

and we climbed some rocks in some wooded areas. It was beautiful! 

Then we headed back of course on the ferry. Essie took the camera and snapped these pictures (along with about 40 more- good grief!  HA) on the way back.  

It was one glorious day!!

1 comment:

  1. The pics are awesome, but the one I like the best is the one of the kids on the rock...definitely need to frame that one!
