Wednesday, August 22, 2012

In the jungle.......the crocodile sleeps tonight....

Yep, Dad wanted to make sure that we saw saltwater crocs while we were in Australia. And they seem to be prolific in the Daintree area (North of Cairns)... So we found this; 
So we got in our little ferry and boated down the river. The first thing we saw was a bird (croc food). It was some kind of egret or crane, the guide named everything, birds, trees, specific crocs. It was pretty awesome.

Then we saw this little guy: a little kingfisher. The smallest kingfisher in the world. These little guys would shoot right across the river, they were ridiculously hard to shoot... with a camera I mean.

I think this is a Brahminy Kite (it may have been a osprey) he followed us around, and near the end two others (not the two at the bottom of the picture) joined him.

Another Crane of sorts....

And the first croc we saw; For some reason I can't remeber her name, but she was a Mom, she had several little crocs around her as well.

This little one was from last year's litter, he hing around next to mom for a while.

I think this is Schute. He apparently lost a schute at one point. He is covered in mud to keep him from getting sunburned.

And the last croc we saw this was a big one, bigger than either of the other two we saw that day

Beej and Essie both got to drive.

Well that's all I've got, talk to you all later,

The Tall One.

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