Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Czech Republic, day three, Friday, First Day of English Camp

So the main reason we came to the Czech Republic was to assist the long term missionaries in an English Camp they have once or twice a year as an outreach to non-Christian Czechs. Czechs desire to learn English for a variety of reasons, some do it as a hobby, some for career advancement, classes etc. But it is a great outreach tool because it reaches to such a wide demographic. We drove an hour north to a fairly rural area, passed some cows, and got to the camp with  out issue.
Pictures out the window on the way there.

The dinner hall

My self and Leefish with two girls at the Camp
Mrs. B came over separately with her husband and taught
the most advanced group
Mrs. L
Mr. B (second from left) and Mr. L lead music in the evenings.
We sang several songs, and got some audience interaction;

Blowing up balloons for the game

Ty, Mrs. Lee, and Leefish
The game was to pop the other persons balloon with your
foot, without getting your own balloon popped.

We also played 'Do you love your neighbor', you could tell
which Czechs didn't have very good English because they
would just say "No".

That is all that happened on Friday, Saturday was much more eventful, I can't wait to tell you about it!

All the Best,
The Tall One

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