Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Vacation in Vienna

So, after our wonderful weekend at the English Camp we took a day trip down to Vienna. after a two hour bus ride we got to Vienna, and discovered Mr. L's credit card didn't like the tram ticket vending machine (or vice versa). So we had to walk do to the bank to get our train tickets. (lots and lots of pictures in this one  - about thirty - and some of them are... artistically... edited)

The Train station, we spent about two and a half hours here total.

The outlet onto the street.

The streets were really cool, it was like walking through
history, there were monuments and statues everywhere. The
different ages of the buildings could be seen through their

A cool statue. 

A Starbucks where we asked for directions.

The royal palace cum museum cum office for the president.

All of the following buildings are offices of state which double
as museums, we went on a tour that chronicles the life and
times of Empress Elisabeth (also known as Sisi) unfortunately
we weren't allowed to take pictures inside, but I can just say that
it was amazing to see another culture's take on history.
Espescially one that is currently democratic and used to have
a monarchy.

This was an excavation on the grounds that showed all the
various ages, in the foreground that is a Roman wall, and the
others are foundations from other time periods in Austrian

Leefish, myself and Mrs. L in front of their capital building,
it was huge.

Inside one of the buildings, the carpet was bolted
to the stairs with those bars.

We were there during dusk, and it was absolutely
incredible to behold.

You can't go to Austria without having apple strudel.

The Ferris wheel is a famous Ferris wheel in Vienna. Surprisingly
called the "Vienna Ferris Wheel."

After we got done, the bus picked us up (when I say bus, think really, really nice airplane seats with a TV in front of you) where it dropped us off and took us back to Brno, where we were picked up by Mr. J.

I will be posting about Prague soon, and after that I'll be posting some closing thoughts about my trip. Until then,

All the Best,
The Tall One

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