Sunday, November 11, 2012

In Brno

So we stopped off first in Brno in the Czech Republic. We stayed there in between going to the English camp and everywhere else. These first few pictures are pretty common to the Czech landscape; big rolling hills and medium sized trees with little leaves.

This was in the car on the way from Prague to Brno.

We went up to a hill just away from Brno to get a look at it
from far away, this is an airfield a few minutes away from
where we stayed.
This is a district of Brno called Meleansky (don't quote me
on the spelling). Our rooms were in the middle right section
of the picture.

That is Mr. Y pointing out his dream for the city, each section
of town had a story, it was really cool to see how the church
was spread throughout the city.

Czechs like to hike, and there were hiking trails

This was a large church in Brno. A monument
to the Czech's lost Christian heritage. All the
churches in the Czech Republic are like the
spiritual lives of its citizens. Empty and dead,
though wonderful.

Just a street in downtown Brno where we did
a little souvenir shopping.

A little point two liter coke at a hotel where we had lunch.

This is a traditional Czech meal; Dumplings (this was a sampler
of dumplings, clockwise from top left; traditional, Viennese,
and potato), which are made by boiling dough, beef, a roast,
two types of sauerkraut and some sauce, usually goulash.

This bakery took up half of a schnucks type grocery store. 
A McDonald's in Brno
A cheese shop... oddly enough.

Apparently there are a lot of hedgehogs in the Czech
Republic, and they are pretty popular in the culture.
(No, I didn't see any)
Another church, this one was quite a bit bigger.

That's all I've got for now. The next post will be a rundown of the day or two before the English Camp, and how we had some last minute preparations.

All the Best,
The Tall One

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