Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mustaches and Ministries

Today we started our English Lessons. Most of them went really well, and the students all seemed to learn something. We started off with a meeting of the Christians at the camp in the morning (some more on that in a later post), and then had breakfast and started lessons. Our first lesson was on family, relations, and such. Our second was on appearance, and our third was sports.

This little kid wasn't in our class, but we handed out mustaches
They loved them.

This is us playing Soccer/football during the lesson on sports.
We also played baseball. This was one of the better lessons,
not only because they enjoyed it more, but also because it was
much more casual and the conversation flowed more easily.

After lunch we went out to a field and played a few games.
We played Soccer while blindfolded, and a kind of telephone.

After supper we sang some songs and Mr. Jeff shared the gospel through The Bread of Life illustration. It went wonderfully! Two of the girls in my class spent at least an hour talking with the Pastor about Christianity, and several of the adults talked to him as well. Afterwards we played some games and went to bed.

All the Best,
The Tall One

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