Saturday, November 24, 2012

Snacks on Sunday

Sunday was the last day at the English Camp. We wrapped class up with emotions, snacks and the outdoors. After classes were finished we went back to the Missions center in Brno, and had an evening worship service.
In the mornings we had a prayer meeting and Bible study
before we started the day. In the middle is one of the pastors
of the local church.

This is our class, eating American candy and snacks. This
was by far the best class, there was laughter and smiles, and
some conversation as well.

After everything was finished we had trivia on what had
happened over the weekend. Things like the phrases in the
game of telephone, quotes from 'The Magnificent Seven' and
other stuff like that.
This is the team, all of us are American except the lady in the
front. The four in the middle are the resident missionaries, and
the two on the right side of them are military who drove over
from Germany.

Our last meal at camp, a traditional Czech dish of beef and
Czech dumplings.

This was the worship team ;)

Mr. J preached that night, and afterwards we had a great
atmosphere of prayer and reverence.

This is the Senior pastor of the Czech church.

So that's all of the English camp, I'll post some sightseeing pictures of Vienna and Prague over the next few days!

All the Best,
The Tall One

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