Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bayside Bathing Boxes on Brighton Beach

There was a break in the rain and we decided to try to find the ever elusive, Bayside Bathing Boxes.We ventured back on the walking path, but went in the correct direction this time. YAY!

We saw KITE SURFERS on the way... this was so amazing. The wind whipped these guys back and forth and when they got going really well, they could lean back on the tow lines and flip or twist. It looked so fun!! Lessons are very expensive and so is the equipment.

We also some cool birds... we think these are cormorants and they do this fun dive thing to catch fish... but we could be mistaken. (Notice the huge ship out at sea.)

We walked just a bit and TADA... there they were!

There is recorded evidence of the Brighton bathing boxes as far back as 1862. A large number of applications for bathing box permits and construction occurred in 1908-1911. Interestingly, Brighton did not become an incorporated city until 1919. So I don’t know exactly who issued the permits??

 I think there were about 86 of them- all very pretty and no two alike.

We each chose our favorite and got our picture taken in front of it. Which one do you like best?

Essie couldn't choose which ONE she liked... so she has two pictures. The box was not crooked, the picture is wonky... sorry.
And we thought it was appropriate to take a pic of the Australian flag box...
We did a little more research and found that the city sold 2 of these cute little boxes to raise $400,000 – no kidding! The city retains the land, so the owners then have to pay $500 a year rent for the little rectangle of beach on which their box sits. HHHMMM?

I guess it would be convenient to have a place to change and store your beach gear, but really… $200,000 for a 12X12 painted shed??

You should check out some of the cool things The Older with photoshop.  His bathing box pictures are much better than ours... 

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