Wednesday, July 11, 2012


We seem to be struggling with a few, in the spirit of transparency and complete honesty, I thought I would share a few areas you could pray for us- if you are so inclined, we would greatly appreciate it.

First computer gremlins! Evidently the Australian server doesn't like Outlook.. it keeps eating things- folders, inbox e-mails, etc. I know, minor inconveniences in the big picture of life, but making it difficult to accomplish some things! GGRR
Second, The Traveler is working really long hours and feeling pretty physically worn out. He is not only juggling work, but also taking care of all the rest of us! He is doing an amazing job!

Third, We have been on the move again, so we will show the two places we have stayed so far soon. Transitions are not our strong suit... character building is occurring and we have had some struggles in rejoicing through them.
And, finally,  several of us seem to be a little homesick.  Essie had a few tears the other night at bed time... We miss people, but at that moment, she was missing the physical place she has always lived, her home (and she is a homebody!) we went through all things we missed about our home. The big refrigerator with ice was pretty high on her list, her bed, her swings and back yard, all of the 'girls' and their honey, all the books and then we started to get silly- we miss the circle-y rug in the living room, the red and blue plastic plates... it got really silly and we were able to laugh. But then, as we finished and prayed, we talked about how much more wonderful Heaven will be and how we won't miss any of the things we have here on earth... not one thing! We will have everything we need in Heaven.

Essie is a homebody and still pretty young so I wasn't surprised that she was struggling a bit. I LOVE being home, so I wasn't surprised that I have had to pray through some sadness (yes, even in Australia- crazy, I know) but then I found this draft of a post written by The Tall One..

 We are having a great time in Australia; but we miss our dogs. And we haven't introduced them to you either they are a fun part of our family.

So, here is Chester!

Chester is a full-blooded Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Chessies are know for their thick, curly, oily coats, their stubborn temperament and their ability (and the way they love) to jump into the frigid waters of the Chesapeake Bay (and other frigid waters), hence the thick, curly, oily coats; they are all but water proof. Chester is also a Psycho-Retriever. One time he ran into a concrete pole, and nearly knocked himself out, but he continued to retrieve. He is extremely lovable, like a big teddy bear (unless you are throwing a stick ;) )

This is Sparky (or Buddy) Unfortunately he doesn't usually wear a hat like that.

Sparky is some sort of Bulldog, Mastiff, Boxer, etc. mix. He is loving, smelly and..... slow (both ways- physically and mentally). He loves to wrestle, and makes the funniest noises that I never even imagined a dog could make. You can't really tell from the picture (sorry it is so bad) but he is not very tall. however; he weighs a little over a hundred pounds. He has a massive barrel chest as well... is is ridiculously hard to knock him over.

So, these are our dogs... and a big shout out and THANK YOU to their foster parents for the summer!!

The Tall One.

It made me smile and made it evident that most of us are missing our home--where the weather is warm and people are too. How cheesy is that, but we do love you guys and are missing you terribly at the moment! You can all post comments about REJOICING and grounding us in scripture and reminding us that we are in AUSTRALIA for crying out loud!! We will appreciate any reprimands you have for us. 


  1. Well, since we should have an attitude of gratefulness think of it this way: It's a GOOD thing to be homesick. It means that you have a wonderful place to call home and return to. AND, it means that you have wonderful people to return to who love you simply because of how amazing you are. So it's okay to be a little homesick, I think, as long as it reminds you how blessed you are. :)

    We aren't at your home base anymore, but we sure do miss y'all a lot! We are definitely keeping you in our prayers as you take this amazing journey together. We love y'all!

  2. My second born is at church camp this week, and by this part in the week I imagine he's probably a bit homesick too. I remember when I used to go to church camp when I was his age. By Thursday I was usually ready to be in my own bed at home! Then the funniest thing, once I was home I started missing all my camp friends! Homesickness is a strange thing.

    Remember that this adventure will be over with soon and before you know it you'll be back home looking over pictures. Your family will be able to reminisce about this wonderful season for the rest of your lives. Such a wonderful shared great that you can even share your homesickness with your daughter and she doesn't have to go it alone. I'll be praying for my son's homesickness today and I'll keep your family in mind too. For both of you my prayers are that God will give to you what He wants you to have out of this experience, that He will meet you wherever you're at and show Himself to you. Sometimes it takes being away from home and all the distractions there to show you a different perspective.

  3. We are truly enjoying your adventure with you! We will be praying for your homesickness and for continued joy in exploring God's amazing creation.

  4. We miss you too! So sorry you're homesick. I'm praying that God will use this to remind you that we should be longing for our eternal home... and also that you will enjoy this special opportunity with your family. How amazing that you were all able to go to Australia!

  5. Aw. Please give everyone, especially the littlest one, big hugs from the 5 of us! We miss all of you and grateful that you are able to share your adventures and hearts with us. Philippians 4:4-9, my friend! Ask Essie to be on the lookout for her favorite post card for my trio's collection! Oh, yes, and a rock and sea shell, too!
    We love you! Big hugs!

  6. Hugs! Will be praying! Not surprising you are homesick...but glad to hear (read) y'all are working through it and enjoying God's blessing. Hugs to all.
