Monday, July 23, 2012

Buckingham Palace

Oh, I meant Buckingham PLACE...Palace it is not!!

Character building is GOOD! James 1 tells us to rejoice in every trial as it grows our character and makes us more mature in our faith. (rough but practical translation) We kept this in mind as we lived together in tight quarters...that were damp and well, let me just say, we cleaned and re-cleaned and never really felt clean.

So here are the pics of this week's apartment. As you walk in you will be welcomed here...

This was the kitchen/living room/sleeping room for Essie and Mom.

This is the bathroom. We couldn't seem to figure out how to use this washing machine… it would wash the clothes for at least 8 hours. We had to be doing something wrong- surely! The dryers were in the parking garage- will have to add that picture later...BUT, it only took 2 hours to dry a load of whites.

This is where the tall people slept-

And this is the other bedroom, which The Traveler shared with Beej...

It was a little cramped, but had some was within walking distance of the bay and food.

It rained many days the week we were here, so we actually took some time to watch a few movies.We were able to get out and explore 2 days or at least part of the day- can't wait to show you what we saw.

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