Monday, July 9, 2012

Merimbula Beach NRMA Holiday Park

As we are now in our 3rd ‘home’, I want to back up a bit and give a ‘shout out’ to our friends at Merimbula Beach NRMA Holiday Park! If you are ever heading south of Sydney and need a wonderful place to stay … this is it! This was the first place we stayed in Australia and it was beyond amazing!

The bungalows are wonderful!

Isn’t it cute. And let me tell you after the flight, and the drive; it was a welcome sight.
And then we saw the view from the deck…

Oh my stars! Just in case we haven’t been sounding grateful enough- we totally had a praisefest right then and there. We do feel so blessed to be on this adventure.

And in the morning....

As I said in an earlier post, there was a dolphin that played in our bay each morning. He was way too quick to photograph, but it was fun to watch and wonder where he would pop up next.
The kitchen was great, and the deck had this awesome grill. The Traveler cooked some rocking burgers and yummy breakfasts. One final wonderful feature… they had continual hot water heaters- the kind that heats the water as you need it! That means that all 6 of us could take a hot shower!
Sorry, we were too wiped out to remember to take pictures of the inside for you, but you can check out the website:
There was also a warm, unique little coffee shop on property… so the Older was able to get a latte to start his day. The staff was so friendly and took such good care of us as we recovered from our flight (and drive!) Hi Niki!

Yep, we are spoiled and feeling very blessed. Wish you were here with us!!