Sunday, July 15, 2012


Great ocean road  continued.. WE SAW WHALES!!
Yep, yep, it is true!!
We saw many interesting things.. this hotel seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. We were just driving along and zoop-zoop, there it was! I hope that is a good excuse for the catywonkiness of the picture, I had to grab the camera really quickly!

And then, as we continued driving and admiring the beautiful scenery, we saw lots of cars pulled off the road. We also saw the flash of police lights, so I thought someone had an accident, but… as we got closer….we joined them because we saw THIS!!! Can you see them... whale fins!!

But we were able to get a better view!

And then even better. 

We stayed quite a while and moved down the coast with these amazing creatures.  They were just hanging out, drifting slowly down the shore.

Humpback whales! We did get a bit of great video- including a perfect fluke (tail shot) ! We can’t wait to show it to you all when we get home!


  1. Get out! That is so cool! I think my very favorite vacation in the whole world (ok, 2nd to meeting Andrew on vacation) was last summer when we saw whales-awesome-whales (and tons of them, as if putting on a show) near Cape Cod! But to see them so unexpectedly, how neat is THAT! I'm so excited for you guys!

  2. Such amazing experiences! Can't wait to see the video!
