Monday, July 16, 2012

Twelve Apostles

Back on the Road Again…

We have now been on the road for a while, we lost a bit of time while whale watching and still had a few things we wanted to see before sunset, so we rolled on.

The landscape began changing… from this…

to huge trees ...

To a forest feel....

(sorry its blurry)

To rolling hills and pastures…

And then we arrived!! The Twelve Apostles!

What amazing, awe inspiring, breathtaking beauty!

We got there just in time and were able to see the changes as the sun set!

WOW- Is an understatement!!

We then made the long drive back, mostly in the dark. We found a nice family-friendly Italian restaurant and The Tall One completed his birthday celebrations with a piece of delicious ‘mud cake’. And then the day ended as it began, some read- alouds in the car and then sleep.  You know it is a long day when your children start the day sleeping in the car and end the day sleeping in the car.  But it was a good day and a good way to celebrate the birth of my second child! Love you, Tall One!

To see more pics check out The Older's blog 


  1. Very cool!

    Happy Birthday blessings to you, A!!! We love you, too! And hey ~ it's still your birthday here at home so keep celebrating!! :)

    1. Ay Mate, that "A" is supposed to be "Ay." Dumb auto-correct messed up my attempt at Aussie dialect! (-;

  2. Awesome rocks! I collect rocks and pictures of rock formations. ;)
