Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Time Well Spent?

In our ‘new’, smaller space, we were able to spend a lot more time TOGETHER. Like, ALL our time together. There was no yard, lots of people living around us, rain most day and only 3 rooms- well, there was a door on the loo!
What did we do you may wonder? How did we not damage each other? We spent hours each day writing and memorizing scripture, we decided to write our own in depth study of Revelation and then memorize the entire book of Phillipians. We also, of course, have read “How To Make Brothers and Sisters Best Friends” and so we had continual bliss. BWAHHAAHHH! (I will not translate that as hysterical laughter or frantic weeping! You decide!)

Honestly, there were moments, when I questioned the sanity of this whole thing. I mean really, there are not families as large as ours here. The wonderful folks at church were very surprised the ‘whole mob’ came. J When we go to a coffee shop and ask for a table for 6, they look at us like we are crazy- really. BUT, those doubting moments are few and far between and have usually come after spending more than 24 hours in the same room with 4 other people!
And, please don’t think I am complaining about the rain. We love the rain- it reminds of our dear, dear friends north of Seattle. We still miss you.

So what DID we do really?
We honestly did have some great scriptural discussions after our morning studies and we ARE attempting to memorize some scriptures.
We are all reading something. We have colored pencils and paper, so drawing is a favored activity.
The Older and The Tall One both have ukuleles…Don’t ask! (That is another post)
We have done laundry.
We have played the favorite games (see previous post) and have added few new games.Here’s the ‘low down’ on them:
Yahtzee Hands Down- modifies the dice game to be played with cards…please note this game can take a long time to play.

In a Pickle- which the Older loves. You play your noun cards in order of smallest to largest. Sounds easy, but some of the nouns are tricky, like love and hope and some can have multiple meanings, like log. So you have to make a case for your order. It requires some creative thinking.

And PIG- thanks the recommendation T! Essie LOVES it!
We had sock fights- yep, seems to be a family tradition on our vacations. When the big boys were little and we traveled with Traveler, I found nothing makes little boys happier than throwing things- ie socks- at each other. We haven’t broken very many things over the years. – hee
This place does have a massive flat screen TV. The techie people here with me figured out how to play movies, from our computers on it. And we watched movies. Not more than one a day, but an hour and half of ‘down time’ has been nice!

And when the rain stops, we dash outside and walk!One day we stopped at a cute little coffee shop, had a spot of tea, and looked around.

Essie wanted to get her friends each one a stamp set and tablet, so they could write letters in code. : )

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