Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tasmanian Devil Test

Beej here to test your Tasmanian Devil intelligence...

Sources and pictures: http://www.zoo.org.au/Healesville/Our_Animals/Tasmanian_Devil http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/tasdevil.htm http://www.tassiedevil.com.au/tasdevil.nsf/About-Tasmanian-devils

Tasmanian Devil Test- How much do you know about this little critter.

1. Species Name:
A. Sarcophilus harrisii
B. Deadanimal eatious
C. Macropus giganteus
D. None of the above
E. All of the above

2.Tasmanian Devils are:
A. Birds
B. Reptiles
C. Marsupials
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

3. Tasmanian Devils eat:
A. Carcass of any dead animal
B. Bones and fur
C. Hunted birds, reptiles and rodents
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

4. Tasmanian devils
A. Produce a strong odor when stressed
B. Open mouth 120-degrees
C. Sneeze before fighting
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

5. Tasmanian devils young are weaned at
A. two – three months
B. five –six months
C. 12-18 months
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

6. Tasmania devils
A. Amble along at 6 kph ( approx 4 mph)
B. Have been clocked at speeds of 20 kph (approx. 12 mph) when threatened
C. Gallop at up to 13 kph (approx. 8 mph)
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

7.  Tasmanian devils are
A. Active in the day
B. Active in the night (nocturnal)
C. Active in both- whenever food is available

8. Tasmanian devils are most threatened by
A. Facial tumors
B. Loss of habitat and persecution by humans
C. The red fox
D. Other devils
E. None of the above

True or False…
T or F  1. Tasmanian devils are territorial.
T or F  2.  Tasmanian can climb trees.
T or F  3. Tasmanian devils are solitary creatures only coming together to mate.
T or F  4.  The Tasmanian devil lives only on Tasmania.
T or F  5. Tasmanian devils once had a bounty offered for them.

1.    A- Sarcophilus harrisii
2.    D-all of the above, Just joking…C- they are Marsupials. They have a pouch and give birth to live young
3.    D- all of the above. They play an important role in keeping the bush clean of dead animals, but they can also hunt. They eat the entire animal -bones, feet, fur and all.  
4.    D- all of the above- really! They do not stink when they are calm and relaxed, but do when they are stressed. Their amazing jaws allow it
5.    B- they stay in the pouch for about 4 months, are weaned at 5-6 months and are thought to be living on their own by 8 months. They live about 7-8 years.
6.    B-Tasmanian devils are nocturnal and usually hide in a den or dense bush during the day.
7.    C- Tasmanian devils run with their back legs together. with rocking run they can reach speeds of up to 13 kph.
8.    A-Although all threats are real, the development of the Devil Facial Tumour Disease, which was discovered in 1996, has become the most deadly in recent years.
True or False
1. F- They are not territorial, but they do have a home range- up to 16 km.
2. T-Young Tasmanian devils are agile and can climb trees
3. F- Tasmanian devils are known for their loud communal feasts. They have a hierarchy within the pack.
4. F – Tasmania devils live in zoos all around the world.
5. T- In the 1930s, the devils were trapped and poisoned. Bounties of 25 cents for males and 35 cents for females were paid.

Let us know how you did!!! Coming next ...Little Penguins!

1 comment:

  1. I did awful, but I had such fun learning! Great job! Hugs!
