Thursday, July 12, 2012

Puzzles anyone?

When I was growing up, wintertime puzzles were kind of a tradition.
The card table with the puzzle on it was in the living room and as people would drop by they would frequently stop a minute and place a piece or two.

I think it was secret ploy by my dad (Hi Poppy!) to slow my high school friends down long enough to have a conversation. It worked; I think my high school friends loved my parents. We certainly hung out at our house enough- great memories.

So, since it is wintertime here…. We started a puzzle - a ridiculously difficult, really large puzzle. It has been like a magnet, drawing us together at the table, fostering interesting conversations and together time.

TADA- Here it is

Care to share some of your simple family traditions?

1 comment:

  1. Can't beat the family time God is blessing you with! Love it!
