Thursday, July 5, 2012

Games galore..

So, we have settled in to our ‘home away from home’ and as our Traveler goes off to labor for the day, we have some down time to rest, read, write, play games and hang out- it has been wonderful. I can’t wait to share some more of our ‘out and about’ adventures, but first we wanted to share some really awesome games we have discovered!

Essie and Beej love Monopoly Deal. This game brings the board game down to a modified card game. Trade, deal and make monopolies to win this fun game.

Uno and Skip-bo are tried and true favorites at our house….

And several years ago someone got Quarx for his birthday. It is a fun little game… you simply count the spheres. Sounds easy, but speed is a factor and so not surprisingly accuracy sometimes suffers. This game incorporates math skill as you have to also lay down the number cards to add up to the number of spheres. It does a great job reinforcing adding some bigger numbers for the little people.

But our hands down favorite is Bananagrams.

Recommended by a dear friend (Hi Katie) we purchased it just before we left… we have played it over and over. If you don’t have it yet, definitely put it on your list!!

This word-based game has you competing against each other to use all of your letter tiles to make your own, unique scrabbleish/crossword puzzle. As you use all your tile, everyone ‘peels’ a tile from the ‘bunch’ until there are not enough tile for everyone to choose another.

The first person to then use all his/her tile makes everyone else ‘bananas’ because they win!

This was The Tall One's winning hand!

Please tell us which games your family enjoys...


  1. Love it! Ok, we are Yahtzee fans (and love the math practice for littlees), but I think our twins' favorite is PIG. Stack the deck with several sets of 4 like numbers, shuffle, and then deal 4 cards to each person. Each person chooses a card to pass to the person on the left. Keep passing a card to your left until a player gets all 4 of the same number. Then that person discreetly puts his/her hand to touch his/her nose. The last person to notice and put their hand to their nose loses. Sounds silly, but you're guaranteed squeals of laughter by little people! :)

  2. We love Yahtzee too, and have yahtzee hands down here with us, adjust haven't gotten it out yet....trying to pace ourselves. :) can't wait to play PIG.

  3. We love Yahtzee but we mainly play Quirkle and I really enjoy playing Farkle. You guys sound like your having fun!
