Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Looking for Bathing houses...

We looked at the weather for the week- it was supposed to rain all week long- except Monday. We had a few things we wanted to see and Google maps indicated that the Melbourne bathing houses appeared to be within walking distance of the apartment, so we set out. It was about 2:15. We walked through Bayside and then through a very affluent neighborhood-LARGE houses, high fences, electronic gates- to the bay.

We took a right turn on the walk way- these go everywhere, there is usually a footpath AND a bike path and sometimes a bridge. They are very wide and well maintained.

So we walked, we talked, we had a pretty good time playing around. We found a kids park, we played a little.

We walked a little farther….We saw some cool things…

Then we noticed we had walked all the way back down to the Luna Park area- WHAT?

That wasn’t supposed to happen, that is about 3 miles down the bay??? So, we thought we just miss read the google map, we didn’t have the map with us, but we thought that surely the bath houses are just around the next blind spot in the bay… or the next one… or the next one. We kept seeing more interesting things… but we were pretty tired and hungry. So we got some gelato (hello to our Italian loving, gelato loving friends!) We got lemon sorbet, mango sorbet and mint chocolate chip. It was just what we needed and so we continued, ‘just a little farther’.

Then someone asked, “What time is it?” The answer: “Almost 4:30-that can't be right!” Since it was overcast, we had totally lost track of time. It would get dark in about 40 minutes and we still hadn’t found the bath houses! We called our Traveler… “What time are you planning to come home? Should we grab a cab back to the apartment?” He whipped out his cape (aka windbreaker), jumped on white horse (or in the blue minivan depending on which source you choose to believe) and came to our rescue! Here is where the rescue took place (This is true- The Victoria Hotel) doesn’t it kinda look like a castle??

Then he took us out to dinner. (And just for the record, he then went back to the plant and programmed until the wee hours of the morning... we feel grateful and loved).

Bath houses would have to wait for another day- And IN THE OTHER DIRECTION up the bay! Google map calculations estimate we walked at least 6 miles!

1 comment:

  1. Funny ;D Who got the mango sorbet? I love that, and gelato. Gelato is amazing. I am such a dessert person, please excuse my delicious ramblings ;) Sounds like you are having fun!
