Friday, July 20, 2012

Moving in Melbourne

So, as is often the case when the Traveler travels, schedules change. The plant in Melbourne requested an extra week’s work, so we stayed another week. It offered us an opportunity to visit a really wonderful little church- Grace Community Bible Church. It made us miss our church family back home even more. They had a sweet fellowship, a solid sermon and wonderful music. Hello folks at Grace.

Then we moved. Yep we left our wonderful apartment and moved closer to the bay and downtown. I’ll tell about our new apartment/hotel room soon. But first, our day...we went to the market.

 It is a little flea market type of set up, with crafts and wares. I found a local clay artist (hi, to my clay spinning friend!) who makes koalas, kookaburras, echidnas, platypuses. They are really beautiful.
And we saw some beautiful silk scarves.. which reminded us our scarf painting friend and her family- hello G fam!)

There is an amusement park in Melbourne called Luna Park, apparently they have these all over Australia- at least on the Eastern seaboard. We passed on the rides(maybe because the entrance looked to ‘creepy’, ‘scary’, ‘disturbing’) but we did notice that the roller coaster operator rode with the paying customers-and he rode STANDING UP! No kidding! Beej totally freaked out!

We passed Luna Park on our way to Acland Street. When we were at Philip’s Island penguin parade, sitting in the freezing cold, we met a family from Melbourne. (They had a French exchange student living with them- Hi guys!). They gave us some tips about things to do in Melbourne… high on the list was Acland street.
“They have the best cakes in Melbourne, you have to get cake from Acland Street.”  So we struggled with the decision and  finally decided to go- HA!  Here is what we saw.....

Evidentally these bakeries have been here for more than 50 years(not the cakes, but the bakeries).  They sell whole cakes or just samples of incredibly yummy looking yummy stuff.  We choose the later and here is what we got….
Hazelnut fudge, Lemon tart, chocolate covered waffle (which was filled with a hazelnutish/coffee cream stuff that was divine!), and chocolate mud cake. We couldn't choose a favorite, or even list them in an order of liked the most to the least because they were all so delicious!

It was crazy crowded and we were all concerned that Essie would get lost in the crowd. Someone had a hold of her the whole time. It became a joke as we stopped every few minutes for someone to ask 'Whose got 'Essie'? We saw some interesting sites....

We saw this and it reminded us of our Harley loving friend… (Hi. Mr. N and the N family!! We miss you!)

We also took a little stroll along the bay's beach. It was much less crowded and very relaxing! I guess everyone here can go to the beach when it is warm, so they don't go when it is cool! It was wonderful!!

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